This is a perfect daytime monochromatic look for work, school, shopping or just hanging out. It's really simple to master. Check out the vids for the tutorial.
Products Used:
MAC Studio Fix Powder in NW45
MAC Bronzing Powder in Deeper Refined Bronze
MAC paint Pot in Quite Natural
Maybelline EyeStudio Gel Liner in Blackest Black
Maybelline Falsies Mascara in Very Black
MAC Nylon, MAC Mythology, MAC Mulch, Prestige Golden Retreiver and Jordana Your Majesty
Victoria Secret Beauty Rush Lip Balm in Pretty Buff
Bobbi Brown Essentials Lipstick in Cocoa
MAC Lipglass in Oh Baby
Brandi is a digital content creator and founder of She shares content realted to travel, fashion and beauty. When she is not blogging she is sharing her adventures via her Youtube channel PrettyPRChickTV.
Hey Fam! I'm Brandi. Welcome to I'm a content creator from Buffalo, NY. My passions are traveling to beautiful countries, bold lipsticks and beautiful clothes. My blog is to share with you my adventures, daily outfit ideas and beauty obsessions.