Backstage of footage of Bow Wow, Daz, Nelly and Snoop at Supafest 2011 in Australia. At 1:13 mark Snoop mentions that Bow Wow is “going through a real heavy situation right now”…could he be referring to the baby he has on the way with video model and my favorite Twitter slick talker Miss Joie?? Hmmm…is that what unborn babies are being referred to as now “heavy situations?”…just wondering.
Notice at the end of the video Nelly takes a jab at Bow implying that Rev Run is his father-in law.
Brandi is a digital content creator and founder of She shares content realted to travel, fashion and beauty. When she is not blogging she is sharing her adventures via her Youtube channel PrettyPRChickTV.
Hey Fam! I'm Brandi. Welcome to I'm a content creator from Buffalo, NY. My passions are traveling to beautiful countries, bold lipsticks and beautiful clothes. My blog is to share with you my adventures, daily outfit ideas and beauty obsessions.