Two years after his untimely death,rapper Mac Dre was recognized as a pioneer for Hyphy music, as rappers such as Mistah FAB, Keak Da Sneak ...


Two years after his untimely death,rapper Mac Dre was recognized as a pioneer for Hyphy music, as rappers such as Mistah FAB, Keak Da Sneak and E-40 struck gold with radio play and major record deals.

Over four years since his murder in Kansas City, Missouri, Mac Dre's story away from music is coming to life on BET's American Gangster series. The veteran rapper was affiliated with The Romper Room, a gang known through Vallejo, California for bank robberies, which led to a five-year prison bid for bank robbery conspiracy, from 1991 to 1996. The episode will chronicle the Northern California gang that was the namesake for early Dre label, Romp Records and the controversial album The Rompilation. After Dre's murder, a series of retaliation murders occurred, leading to numerous charges, including against E-40 and Snoop Dogg affiliate Mac Minister.

The episode will be directed by famed mixtape and DVD host DJ Vlad, who lived in San Francisco, before relocating to New York later in his career.

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